TikTok Used to Inspire Goodwill Between Opposite Political Parties

Jessica Jamerson
3 min readFeb 1, 2021


On Monday, January 25 of 2021, Tik Tok User s.nesquick posted a video that went absolutely viral. The video consisted of nothing more than a prompt for republicans to say something nice about democrats and democrats to say something nice about republicans.

A request like that would normally be filled with responses from internet trolls.

An internet troll being someone who deliberately put something just to get a rise out a person and possibly start a fight. Usually every post you see is plagued by trolls which is why a moment like this happening on the internet is so rare.

Then you think about the age range of those interacting with this post. It’s important to note that 41% of tik tok users are between the ages 16 and 24 and roughly 50% of users are under the age 34. The guy who posted the video, s.nesquick, also falls into this age range. There were over 82,000 comments on the video. Talk about hope for the upcoming generations.

The pictures you can see are all screenshots of the comment section. Some are funny, some meaningful, and some show the surprise everyone felt when they opened the comment section for themselves.

Here are some examples of some of the remarks made that show the surprise of those reading the comment section for the first time: one commenter put, “did you just unite the country?” and another made the comparison of, “ this comment section feels like Christmas Day between the trenches in WWII that one year.”

Seeing a post like this can make you think more about the how many similarities there are between people instead of focusing on what everyone different.

It seems like the media is always pushing one extreme view to the opposite of that extreme view when bringing something to light. With ideas being pushed like that, it puts us into a specific groups labeled with a meaning may not be all the way true. Having that label could end up making decisions for you. Either about whether you are going to get along with a person or not or if you judge them. People start to assume and assuming makes an ass out of you and me.

Media truly has amazing power, especially in this day in age. Think about the way this post was so thought provoking. It had the power to inspire hope. Now imagine bigger news outlets putting something like this out to their audiences. To remind everyone that everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

We are all still human at the end of the day and there is always a chance to find good in others. Everyone should take a moment to humble themselves.



Jessica Jamerson
Jessica Jamerson

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