Saving Lives, Killing Living
What is it like to be 80 years old and dealing with the Coronavirus?
A Getty Image photographer caught this soon to be viral photo(seen below)of an elderly man burying his head, looking for any type of comfort, into a somewhat startled healthcare workers arms.
The elderly man was apart of a Covid 19 intensive care unit. Later the man was quoted in a Washington Post article telling the worker that he just wanted to be with his wife.
It was Thanksgiving day.
This heartbreaking photo puts you in this senior citizen’s velcro shoes. Imagine how terrifying it would be to have the knowledge that a deadly virus is roaming the earth and it’s an extremely effective assassin on people in your condition. Your condition being old.
Since you are old and vulnerable, you have to be separated from everyone and everything you love for your “own protection”. Can we really call sending our elderly into deep depressions and loneliness protection?
Old folks homes and assisted living centers are not allowing any visitors. Grandparents are being made to live out the possible rest of their days without seeing their family, without the ability to be included in big moments in their kids and grandkids lives. There are videos circling the internet of couples that have been married for 40+ years standing outside their partners room window for hours just to be close to them, to be with them on their wedding anniversary.
Taking precautions and keeping the elderly isolated from others is an attempt to save lives, but what is life without living. It’s like keeping a dog in a kennel, you are protecting them, but at what cost. Is it really worth it?