Jess’s Writing Portfolio
The name is Jamerson… Jessica Jamerson. I am a 20 year old struggling college student/waitress that is willing to do what it takes to travel. I am majoring in communications. Like most comm majors, I don’t have a total grasp of what I want to do. I just know that anywhere you go communicating is big part of life.
I took a class called multimedia writing course this term and these are some of the articles I wrote.
The first link is going to lead you to a lyrical journalism piece I wrote about Generation Z. This article got me the most attention on Twitter:
This next link is an interview I did with my 3 year old niece, asking her what love was. It’s just the read that will remind you about the pure innocence love can be.
I wrote an article based off a ted talk. It’s talking about right and wrong and where to draw the line. Here is the link:
I posted about TikTok and the power it gives to it’s users. When used right, you can use anything to make a difference.
This last link that I am giving you is an article about business and valentines day.
I learned a lot while taking this course. Thank you all for reading what I had to say.